The awesome Jacqueline Rohrmann – who you may know as That BIM Girl – has recorded a great “virtual unboxing” video introducing a couple of useful Dynamo packages, DynaMaps (which has it origins from the Dynamo and Generative Design Hackathon held in London in April) and Space Analysis.
Jacqueline shared the video with me earlier this week – when we were both at the Dynamo Day in London, and then AU London 2019 – but I hadn’t found the time to watch it until now. She’s done – as ever – an amazing job at presenting things in an entertaining and accessible style, stepping through the example shared in this post. Check it out!
On a side note, I know from LinkedIn that Jacqueline has now wrapped up her studies and is thinking about what’s next. In her own words, Jacqueline is “looking for innovative, digital (or wanting to digitalise) companies - preferably with an environmental or social agenda.” I know she’s considering moving abroad, so geographical location doesn’t appear to be a constraint. If you’re interested in hiring someone with boundless energy and enthusiasm, as well as a strong technical background and a mastery of social media, you should definitely contact Jacqueline through LinkedIn. (Jacqueline doesn’t know I’m making this request on her behalf… I just feel it’s a great opportunity for some lucky company to snap her up.)
And finally, something I revealed about the Space Analysis package during our AU London class was the fact that Rhys Goldstein has found a way to implement acoustics analysis using the same core data structures we’re currently using for both visibility and pathfinding (i.e. what’s shown in the above video).
Here are a couple of GIFs that show this new (or future) capability, firstly with a basic scene:
And this one with the MaRS office floorplan:
This is really exciting! I’ll post an update once acoustics have been added to the publicly posted package (and maybe even to Project Rediscover – we’ll see).