This week I’m going to posting a few topics related to F#, as it feels as though I’ve been neglecting it, of late. And as this technology is going to hit the mainstream very soon – when Visual Studio 2010 ships – it seems all the more important to keep one’s F# skills honed.
We’re going to start the week with an F# equivalent to the code shown in this previous post, where we go through and reflect on the commands exposed by an assembly in order to create corresponding demand-loading Registry keys automatically.
We’ve shipped VB.NET and C# versions of this code as part of our Plugins of the Month, but I wanted to make sure the latest versions were posted here, all in one place:
- Code to create demand-loading entries from your C# applications
- Code to create demand-loading entries from your VB.NET applications
- Code to create demand-loading entries from your F# applications
I’ve made a few general changes to the previous approach:
- More use of “using” to make sure that Registry keys get closed properly
- Not that this caused any particular issues of which I’m aware, but it’s certainly cleaner
- Use of CreateSubKey() to open the Applications key for write, or to create it if it doesn’t exist
- This can apparently be a problem on some vertical versions of AutoCAD such as AutoCAD Electrical
Let’s take a look at the F# code, in particular:
module DemandLoading.RegistryUpdate
open System.Reflection
open System.Resources
open Microsoft.Win32
open Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices
open Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime
// Get the information from a custom attribute, if of the right type
let commandInfo (rm : ResourceManager) (attb : obj) =
let cma = attb :?> CommandMethodAttribute
if cma <> null then
// Harvest the information about each command
match cma.LocalizedNameId with
| null -> (cma.GlobalName, cma.GlobalName, cma.GroupName)
| _ ->
with _ ->
(cma.GlobalName, cma.GlobalName, cma.GroupName)
(null, null, null)
let commandsFromMethod rm (meth : MethodInfo) = (commandInfo rm)
(meth.GetCustomAttributes (typeof<CommandMethodAttribute>, true))
let commandsFromType assem (t : System.Type) =
let rm = new ResourceManager(t.FullName, assem)
rm.IgnoreCase <- true (commandsFromMethod rm) (t.GetMethods()) |> Array.concat
let commandsFromModule assem (m : Module) = (commandsFromType assem) (m.GetTypes()) |> Array.concat
let commandsFromAssembly assem = (commandsFromModule assem) (assem.GetModules(true))
|> Array.concat
let createDemandLoadingEntries name path currentUser cmds =
// Choose the Registry hive according to the inputs
let hive =
if currentUser then
// Check whether any valid commands exist (the command-names are
// the first two entries in the tuple contained in the command
// information array)
let hasCmds =
Array.exists (fun (a,b,c) -> a <> null && b <> null) cmds
// And the same for groups, which is the third entry
let hasGrps = Array.exists (fun (a,b,c) -> c <> null) cmds
// Define whether to load the module on startup (if no commands)
// or on command invocation (if any are defined)
let flags = if hasCmds then 12 else 2
// Open the main AutoCAD (or vertical) and "Applications" keys
use ack =
use appk = ack.CreateSubKey("Applications")
// Already registered? Just return
if not
(Array.exists (fun x -> x = name) (appk.GetSubKeyNames())) then
// Create the our application's root key and its values
use rk = appk.CreateSubKey(name)
rk.SetValue("DESCRIPTION", name, RegistryValueKind.String)
rk.SetValue("LOADCTRLS", flags, RegistryValueKind.DWord)
rk.SetValue("LOADER", path, RegistryValueKind.String)
rk.SetValue("MANAGED", 1, RegistryValueKind.DWord)
// Create a subkey if there are any commands...
if hasCmds then
use ck = rk.CreateSubKey("Commands")
let createCommand (key : RegistryKey) info =
match info with
| (null, _, _) -> () // Ignore any null global commands
| (_, null, _) -> () // Ignore any null local commands
| (glob, loc, _) ->
Array.iter (createCommand ck) cmds |> ignore
// And the command groups, if there are any
if hasGrps then
use gk = rk.CreateSubKey("Groups")
let createGroup (key : RegistryKey) info =
match info with
| (_, _, null) -> ()
| (_, _, group) ->
key.SetValue(group, group,RegistryValueKind.String)
Array.iter (createGroup gk) cmds
let removeDemandLoadingEntries name currentUser =
// Choose the Registry hive according to the input
let hive =
if currentUser then
// Open the main AutoCAD (or vertical) and "Applications" keys
use ack =
use appk = ack.OpenSubKey("Applications", true)
// Delete the key with the same name as this assembly
let RegisterForDemandLoading() =
// Get the current assembly
let assem = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()
// Get the command information and create Registry
// entries from it
commandsFromAssembly assem
|> createDemandLoadingEntries
(assem.GetName().Name) assem.Location true
let UnregisterForDemandLoading() =
(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Name) true
I’ve tried to structure the F# code somewhat differently to the prior, more imperative versions of the code: it has more emphasis on the application of functions and the flow of data between them. It also makes use of higher order functions such as and Array.iter to apply functions to the contents of data structures (in this case arrays), and uses pattern-matching where sequences of if-then-else statements would have proven cumbersome.
Later in the week we’ll see this added to the Spirograph application, to create its demand-loading information automatically on startup, but first we’re going to need to see how to implement the IExtensionApplication interface from an F# application…