The count-down to Autodesk University 2021 continues, with registration for the event now open. I’ve gone ahead and registered, as I expect many of you will at some point during the remaining 54 days. It’s free, after all, and I’m sure will have lots of great content, as usual. Be sure to put the dates in your calendar – October 5-7 for the Americas, October 6-8 for EMEA & APAC, October 13-14 for East Asia.
The timing of this year’s event – being several weeks earlier – means that it falls during our children’s half-term break. This year – all being well – we’ll be scuba-diving in Sardinia, so I’m not entirely sure what my level of participation in AU will be, after all: I don’t have a class to deliver, so at this stage I’m quite possibly going to keep my involvement to a minimum (despite my previous plan to host some kind of meetup).
That said, the AU Hackathon is happening the week before AU, so I’ll definitely do my best to participate in that. If you’re working with Forge – or interested in learning it – then be sure to check what the Forge team has planned for AU and the weeks leading up to it.
Finally, the MX3D bridge project was featured on the AU blog yesterday. Be sure to head on over and check it out if you’re interested in learning more about the project!