Like many of you, I have the immense privilege of having incredible women in my life. For me, today is about recognising this privilege, but also remembering that despite more than a century having passed since the original suffragettes started their organised fight against sex-based discrimination, there’s still important work to be done. (In fact I genuinely feel that in recent years we’ve seen a regression in some women’s rights, something that I desperately want to see corrected over the coming years.)
It’s important for me to see our daughters (and yes, especially my own beloved daughter, of course) getting the right of equal treatment in society. And that their sex-based rights are protected rather than eroded.
My daughter is amazing. She spent Saturday afternoon at a coding camp (which I’m thrilled to say she loved) and then on Sunday dragged me down to practice football (or soccer) in the rain, as her weekly trainings are about to start back up and she felt she needed to get her eye back in.
After this she went home and decided she wanted to start learning Arabic, so she signed up for a program via Duolingo and got cracking. She already knows more about Greek, Norse and Egyptian mythology than the rest of the family combined (her words, but she’s not wrong) and she’s just 11 years old.
Young women like my daughter are going to change the world, and I can’t wait. Happy International Women’s Day!