It’s the last day of school! Well, of work. My kids still have school until Wednesday, but Autodesk has very generously insisted that its employees take an extended break over the holidays starting this evening. I’m planning to make the most of these two weeks – such as is possible with the pandemic-related restrictions – so I do hope to be able to queue up a couple more Floppy Fridays for the holidays, all being well.
In today’s episode we look at two games – 1942 and Back to the Future – and mention a 3rd (Slap Fight, in the context of 1942 and vertically scrolling shooters).
If you’re signing off for the next two weeks, then I wish you all the very best for the festive season. It’s been the strangest of years, which I hope you’ll manage to take the best of breaks from. Do check back in on Fridays over the break – hopefully there’ll be a Floppy Friday waiting for you under the tree. :-)