Things have been quiet on this blog, since my return from Scotland. Mainly because I’ve been heads-down dealing with preparation for Autodesk University 2019, which I’d love to say was on the horizon, whereas it’s – more accurately – coming at top speed around a nearby streetcorner. In less than 3 weeks many us us will be flying to Las Vegas for the latest installment of my favourite annual conference.
Today was the deadline for AU speakers to submit class handouts: I managed to submit something for both my classes, so I can now switch focus to the various presentations I need to prepare for them. While working on the presentation for my class on Project Rediscover, I created this fun little GIF, which shows in broad terms the way the MaRS geometry system (and some of its goals) work.
As mentioned in a recent post, this year I have 3 sessions (2 classic 60-minute lectures – the other being this one relating to our work on Dasher 360 – plus a 15-minute Theater Talk) to prepare. In addition, though, I’ve been asked to help prepare some additional demos for the event. (I’ll share more about these, in due course.)
For one of these demos – which has also been a longstanding need when working with multi-discipline, as-built BIM – I went ahead and added the ability to define and manage visibility of custom layers in Dasher 360 (beyond what’s provided by default in the Forge viewer). Here’s a quick example showing the "Architectural” layer turned on, with both “Electrical” and “Mechanical” set to X-Ray mode (i.e. you can see them through the solid architectural geometry).
I still have quite a bit to get done before flying out, but at this stage I can see the light at the end the tunnel. In fact – if the stars align and I don’t get bogged down with urgent, last-minute requests – I can actually imagine being in a situation where I even get some breathing space before the event. Hopefully I haven’t jinxed it by even thinking that way.
First things first I need to wrap up the various slide-decks and keep on top of the demo work… hopefully I’ll have something to share in another progress report before the end of the week.