On Thursday we celebrated Autodesk’s presence in Neuchatel together, one last time, at the official office closing party. It was held at the new bar on top of the Beaulac Hotel… a fitting venue, in some ways, as this was for many of us the first place we stayed when we first visited Neuchatel for our job interviews (it certainly was mine: I stayed here back in July 1995 when I came across for my 2nd-round interview to join Autodesk UK, some years before I moved here).
Anyway, the new bar is really nice, with interesting decor…
… and stunning views:
It was a little windy, that day, so we split our time between the outside area…
There were some very interesting drinks on offer, too.
We did assemble for a group photo, but I haven’t been able to track down the phone it was taken with. I’ll post it here if I manage!
The event was due to finish at 6pm, but kept being extended into the evening.
In the end it finished sometime after midnight, and some of us kept going until a few hours after that at another bar.
I’m happy we had this chance to get together in a large group and enjoy each other’s company, one last time. I know I’ll be staying in contact with many of the people who are leaving (or have left) Autodesk this year, but for sure we’ll never have another event like this. Thank you to Autodesk for the years we’ve all had here together and for the fitting send-off for all those whose current tour with the company is ending. And a huge THANK YOU to everyone who has made Autodesk Neuchatel the best place to work, over the years. Those of us who are staying with the company will miss you more than you can know, as you go off and do great things. Please keep in touch!