Once again the Autodesk Technical Summit is proving to be hugely valuable and interesting. I’ve been attending a number of classes on various themes: yesterday I mostly attended sessions on AR and VR, while today I’ve been finding out about the impressive work the AutoCAD team is doing with Fabric, as well as some upcoming Forge services and some internal tools to help build neural networks.
Speaking about neural networks, we had a load of fun at the local pub, last night. Brian Pene introduced a few of us to Prisma, a tool that uses a cloud-based neural network to apply crazy effects to images and video.
Here’s a photo of my old friends Christer and Tekno, who has just run a photo of me through Prisma.
While attending a great intro class on machine learning, today – presented by Mike Haley who runs the team focused on this in the Office of the CTO – I decided to run a photo of the presentation through Prisma myself. Here’s a quick before and after:
I’m looking forward to fooling around with neural nets, when I get some spare time, to see what’s possible!