This week has been a little hectic, once again. Yesterday I spent the morning back across at ETH Zurich, speaking with members of the Block Research Group about Forge, Dynamo and HoloLens. They’ve just moved into a brand new building labelled HIB – where the various schools at ETH focusing on architecture from a technological perspective will be co-located – but as it’s so new it’s yet to be sign-posted. I eventually did find it, but not without asking for directions from 5 different people.
Inside the ceiling is pretty cool: they’ve used a combination of skylights for natural light alongside fluorescent lighting that complements it perfectly (or no doubt replaces it as we get into the cloudy season).
Today I went the other way, across to ETH’s sister university in Lausanne, EPFL. The main purpose was to speak to faculty members with research teams working on robotics about the 25th anniversary event for Autodesk Switzerland. As it has a robotics theme we’d love to have EPFL roboticists participating in some capacity. Fingers crossed.
Once again the meeting was in a new building, this time called MED.
I also had time to meet my friends at SkeletonCAD for a coffee and a bite to eat.
After all that was done I headed across to Geneva for a more personal engagement… I sometimes volunteer for a local Jazz Festival. This year they needed an English speaker to go along to Geneva Airport to welcome Friday’s headline act, Zara McFarlane, and accompany her back to Neuchatel. She’s a really lovely person – we had a great chat in the car on the way home – and I’m really looking forward to hearing her sing tomorrow night at the festival.
A really fun way to end the day. :-)