It was a great weekend of football at Autodesk’s annual tournament – this time nicely closely to home in Zurich. The Neuchâtel team did really well in the group round, as in recent years: we came top of Group C, which turned out to be the “group of death” – two teams we beat went on to finish 1st (England) and 3rd (VP Staff). Our goalkeeper – and our rock-solid defence – didn’t concede a single goal during any of the matches, until we ended up being knocked out by Barcelona on penalties in the quarter-finals.
So it goes – in any case it was a superb day of football and really fun catching up with old friends and their families. Check these items from my twitter feed for some photos and results.
Here’s the Neuchâtel team photo:
To give you a sense of how seriously we took the preparation for this tournament, here’s a picture from last week’s training.
What can I say? Someone told me to “be the ball”. :-)
With the football fun done with, I flew across to SFO yesterday to participate in this week’s big developer event, the Forge DevCon.
We’re now at somewhere around 1,300 registrations (which is great considering our original attendance target of 1,100), but there’s still plenty of space if you can get to San Francisco for Wednesday and Thursday of this week.
Over the next few days I’ll be finishing up preparations for the conference and exhibit hall, as well as attending a few pre-conference events. Hoping to see you there!