A question came in, last week, via a comment on this post. Daniel wanted to unmerge the title cells of a table:
Very nice tutorial. based on this I manange to create the VB. NET code for my table style, but I face with a problem that I could not change the Title to be unmerged.
In this moment, as default, it is merged and I want it to have it not merged.
What is code for this ? I tried to find it out byts.SetCellClass(RowType.TitleRow, MergeCellStyleOption.None
but is not working. i get error on:
sd.UpgradeOpen() line
I took a quick look at the Table class and found that this C# code did the job:
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime;
namespace TableStyleEditing
public class Commands
public void UnmergeTableTitle()
var doc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
if (doc == null) return;
var ed = doc.Editor;
// Select a table
var peo = new PromptEntityOptions("\nSelect table");
peo.SetRejectMessage("\nMust be a table.");
peo.AddAllowedClass(typeof(Table), false);
var per = ed.GetEntity(peo);
if (per.Status != PromptStatus.OK)
using (var tr = doc.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
var table = tr.GetObject(per.ObjectId, OpenMode.ForWrite) as Table;
if (table != null)
// Get the first row
var row = table.Rows[0];
// If it is merged, unmerge it
if (row.IsMerged.HasValue && row.IsMerged.Value)
ed.WriteMessage("\nUnmerged first row.");
ed.WriteMessage("\nFirst row is not merged.");
Here’s what happens when you run the UTT command and select a table with a merged title row:
The UTT command is currently hardcoded to unmerge the first row in the selected table, but it could of course be generalised to work on any range of merged cells.