Some exciting news from the Reality Computing team: Project Memento – which has been updated to v1.0.11.3 on Autodesk Labs – now supports direct input from the Artec 3D Eva scanner. You can scan a 3D object or scene – generating a mesh – directly in the Memento software. I’ve been hoping/waiting for this to happen for some time.
Here’s a quick GIF showing – in broad strokes – how the process works. I’ve basically put a bunch of screenshots together – these were captured manually rather than at regular intervals – to show the flow in a lightweight manner, so please don’t attempt to use it to assess performance: the intention was just to show how scanner frames can lead to a mesh being generated.
You can currently only integrate a single scanning pass using Memento, but the team is working hard to support aggregation of multiple scans, too. They’re also hoping to support additional scanner models/brand… next on the list is Artec’s Spider, which should be supported along with automatic alignment of multiple scans in a couple of weeks or so. I’d personally love to see scanning via Kinect v2 supported, but the initial focus is very much on professional-grade scanning devices: the Eva and Spider are currently in the $19-22K price range, just to give you an idea.
More is happening with Memento, of course – the previously linked blog post mentions tighter A360 integration, reporting and export enhancements and SpaceMouse integration – but for me this is the big ticket item of this release and nicely indicative of the direction in which things are headed.