To complement the DevBlogs for AutoCAD, Infrastructure Modeling, AEC and Manufacturing (and in case you missed them, here are their respective announcements), the ADN team has now launched a DevBlog focused on Cloud & Mobile development.
You might consider this another “horizontal” blog, in the sense that over time it will prove to be a valuable resource for people using our products (and, I suspect, many people who don’t) in all the industries we serve.
I’ll drop a note to Gopi, to suggest he adds a link to my own cloud & mobile series, for future reference.
It seems like a good time to provide a bit of background on these DevBlogs and the motivation behind them…
It’s clear our ADN team is focusing more of its resources on providing public information and assistance. The trend started several years ago, during the time I was part of that team: between our developer blogs, our Plugins of the Month, the My First Plugin material and a gradual increase in our presence on the API discussion groups.
All this has been part of a broader strategy to do more for customers who don’t necessarily see the benefit of paying an annual fee to be part of the ADN program.
One further piece of this strategy is going to be unveiled during the coming weeks (we’re just working on some back-end infrastructure before the public launch). Without giving too much away, I will say that I expect many of this blog’s readers to find it pretty interesting. Watch this space! :-)
For those of you interested in an aggregated feed of the various developer-oriented Autodesk blogs, I went ahead and updated the Yahoo! Pipe I originally created some time ago to include the various ADN DevBlogs. As I know AlexF will be pinging me for it, anyway, as soon as he sees this post. ;-)