It’s a beautiful Whit Monday, here in Switzerland – and will probably be a beautiful Memorial Day, when I arrive in San Francisco, this afternoon. I’m heading across the pond to attend an internal technical conference and spend time with other members of my team over the coming fortnight.
I have a couple of posts to finish up – one on WinRT, another on iOS, now that I’m able to deploy that version to my iPad 2 – before I wrap up the somewhat epic “cloud & mobile” series with a summary post. I’ll see what I can get done on the trip over, but as I haven’t taken pains to implement local caching, I’m going to be dependent on a local network connection to do much of what I need to do to finish up the remaining coding tasks.
Maybe that’s an excuse to kick back (such as is possible, in an economy seat) and enjoy the extended double-holiday, watching a few movies on the (for once!) direct flight from ZRH to SFO.