Today is the first day of Autodesk’s fiscal year – hence the title of the post, short for Happy New Fiscal Year. Not that I know anyone in the company who actually celebrates the event, as such: many Autodeskers are very busy wrapping up the finances for last year, in fact.
Today also marks the beginning of an era for me, personally, as I officially move across into the AutoCAD Engineering organisation. Moving groups feels like quite a big deal after more than 16 years in the Autodesk Developer Network team, but I’m nonetheless excited about embarking on this new phase in my career. I’ll continue to work closely with the ADN team – and of course with external developers, especially as I’ll be continuing this blog – which does make the change feel a bit less disruptive.
Oh, and I somehow missed the fact that Autodesk turned 30 a couple of days ago. Which probably means I’m now officially an “old timer”, having been around for at least half of the company’s history. Oh well.
To celebrate the birthday, here’s a reminder of the company’s early years, direct from the mouth of Autodesk founder, John Walker: