Over the last couple of months, Wayne Brill has been delivering online AutoCAD .NET training. The training has received very positive feedback from attendees.
Recordings of most of the sessions are now (or will soon be) available from our online API webcast archive (which is also accessible via http://autodesk.com/apitraining –> Webcast Archive).
You’ll notice that the recordings start with session 2: we had some technical issues with the first week’s recording, but as the material for these classes is essentially the same material as that used for Wayne’s DevTV sessions (which are all linked to from this post, including the session transcripts) we decided not to rerecord that one session.
On a related note, we’re currently putting the finishing touches on the “My First AutoCAD Plug-In” material (to complement the ones for Revit and Inventor), and I expect that to be posted in the coming weeks, all being well. Watch this space!