Stephen Preston sent me an update to his minesweeper application, some time ago, and it’s been languishing in my inbox until today. Stephen has spent some time polishing the app, adding a more coherent architecture (or so he tells me).
As I’m busy beavering away with the Kinect SDK, I thought I’d go ahead and post the code.
Here is the updated, AutoCAD-specific command class:
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput
Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
' This line is not mandatory, but improves loading performance
<Assembly: CommandClass(GetType(Minesweeper.MyCommands))>
Namespace Minesweeper
Public Class MyCommands
'This is the main Minesweeper command.
'It createas a new document, and invokes the worker
'command(RUNMINESWEEPER) in the new document.
Public Shared Sub Minesweeper()
Dim doc As Document = Application.DocumentManager.Add("")
Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument = doc
doc.SendStringToExecute("RUNMINESWEEPER ", True, False, False)
End Sub
'This is the worker command invoked using SendStringToExecute
'It starts the game running in the new doc created by the
' MINESWEEPER command.
"SGP_Minesweeper", "RUNMINESWEEPER", CommandFlags.Modal
Public Shared Sub RunMinesweeper()
'Make sure new document has the text style we need
'Instantiate the game controller class and set game running
Dim cls As New AcadMinesweeper
Catch ex As Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime.Exception
WriteMessage(vbCrLf &
"Sorry - An error occurred. Game aborted." & vbCrLf)
End Try
End Sub
'Adds a new text style to the drawing (if not already there)
Private Shared Sub CreateTextStyle()
Dim db As Database = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase
Dim tm As Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.TransactionManager
tm = db.TransactionManager
Dim myT As Transaction = tm.StartTransaction()
Dim st As TextStyleTable =
db.TextStyleTableId, OpenMode.ForWrite, False),
If Not st.Has("MinesweeperStyle") Then
Dim str As TextStyleTableRecord =
New TextStyleTableRecord()
str.Name = "MinesweeperStyle"
str.FileName = "txt.shx"
str.TextSize = 1.0
str.IsShapeFile = True
tm.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(str, True)
End If
End Try
End Sub
End Class
'The MinesweeperMgr class runs the game.
'AcadMinesweeper instantiates the MinesweeperMgr class and acts as
' its input/output. Input is via IMinesweeperInput, output is via
' IMinesweeperOutput interfaces.
'AcadMinesweeper knows about MinesweeperMgr and some structures and
' enums we created to communicate with it.
'MinesweeperMgr knows nothing about AcadMinesweeper or AutoCAD.
Public Class AcadMinesweeper
Implements IMinesweeperInput, IMinesweeperOutput
'A MineElement links ObjectId of MText representing a mine cell
' to the row and column of the mine cell it represents
Private Structure MineElement
Public Id As ObjectId
Public Row As Integer
Public Col As Integer
End Structure
Private mStartTime As DateTime 'USed to calc total game time.
Private mMineMgr As MinesweeperMgr 'Our manager class
Private mMinefield As List(Of MineElement) =
New List(Of MineElement) ' MineElements in the grid
'Main game controller function
Public Sub DoIt()
Dim ed As Editor =
'Prompt user for values to setup minefield
If Not PromptSetup() Then
vbCrLf & "You cancelled setup - aborting command" & vbCrLf)
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
'Set the text for an MText entity with the provided ObjectId
Private Sub SetText(
ByVal objId As ObjectId, ByVal strText As String)
Dim db As Database =
Using tr As Transaction =
Dim txt As MText = tr.GetObject(objId, OpenMode.ForWrite)
txt.Contents = strText
End Using
End Sub
' Find MineElement with provided ObjectId in our list of all
' MineElements. This is how we asociate row and column value
' with an MText entity.
Private Function FindInMinefield(
ByVal objId As ObjectId) As MineElement
For Each elem As MineElement In mMinefield
If elem.Id = objId Then
Return elem
End If
'If we didn't find it, we return a blank - calling function
'should query for null ObjectId
Return New MineElement
End Function
' Find MineElement with provided row, col in our list of all
' MineElements. This is how we asociate an MText entity
' with a row and column value.
Private Function FindInMinefield(
ByVal row As Integer, ByVal col As Integer) As MineElement
For Each elem As MineElement In mMinefield
If elem.Row = row And elem.Col = col Then
Return elem
End If
'If we didn't find it, we return a blank - calling function
'should query for null ObjectId
Return New MineElement
End Function
'Prompt user for grid size and number of mines, and pass those
' to the MinesweeperMgr to initialize itself.
'Returns true if setup was successful
'Returns false if setup was unsuccessful (e.g. cancelled by user)
Private Function PromptSetup() As Boolean
Dim ed As Editor =
Dim opts1 As New PromptIntegerOptions(
"Enter Minefield width:")
opts1.LowerLimit = 1
opts1.UpperLimit = 100
opts1.DefaultValue = 10
Dim res1 As PromptIntegerResult = ed.GetInteger(opts1)
If res1.Status <> PromptStatus.OK Then
Return False
End If
Dim rows As Integer = res1.Value
opts1.Message = "Enter minefield height:"
res1 = ed.GetInteger(opts1)
If res1.Status <> PromptStatus.OK Then
Return False
End If
Dim cols As Integer = res1.Value
opts1.Message = "Enter number of mines:"
opts1.UpperLimit =
rows * cols
opts1.DefaultValue =
rows * cols / 6
res1 = ed.GetInteger(opts1)
If res1.Status <> PromptStatus.OK Then
Return False
End If
Dim num As Integer = res1.Value
'If we got to here the then user provided all the data needed
' to instantiate our MinesweeperMgr class.
'Instantiating MinesweeperMgr will setup the minefield and
' start the game running.
mMineMgr = New MinesweeperMgr(Me, Me, rows, cols, num)
Return True
Catch ex As Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime.Exception
Return False
End Try
End Function
'The next two functions are helper functions to zoom to the grid.
'Code copied from ADN DevNote
Private Sub SetViewportToExtents(
ByVal db As Database, ByVal vtr As ViewportTableRecord)
'Let's update the database extents first
'True gives the best fit but will take time
'Get the screen aspect ratio to calculate the height and width
Dim scrRatio As Double = (vtr.Width / vtr.Height)
'Prepare Matrix for DCS to WCS transformation
Dim matWCS2DCS As Matrix3d =
'For DCS target point is the origin
matWCS2DCS =
Matrix3d.Displacement(vtr.Target - Point3d.Origin) *
'WCS Xaxis is twisted by twist angle
matWCS2DCS =
-vtr.ViewTwist, vtr.ViewDirection, vtr.Target) *
matWCS2DCS = matWCS2DCS.Inverse()
'Tranform the extents to the DCS defined by the viewdir
Dim extents As New Extents3d(db.Extmin, db.Extmax)
'Width of the extents in current view
Dim width As Double =
(extents.MaxPoint.X - extents.MinPoint.X)
'Height of the extents in current view
Dim height As Double =
(extents.MaxPoint.Y - extents.MinPoint.Y)
'Get the view center point
Dim center As New Point2d(
(extents.MaxPoint.X + extents.MinPoint.X) * 0.5,
(extents.MaxPoint.Y + extents.MinPoint.Y) * 0.5)
'Check if the width 'fits' in current window
'If not then get the new height as per the viewport's
If width > (height * scrRatio) Then
height = width / scrRatio
End If
vtr.Height = height
vtr.Width = height * scrRatio
vtr.CenterPoint = center
vtr.IconEnabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub ModelZoomExtents()
Dim doc As Document =
Dim db As Database = doc.Database
Dim ed As Editor = doc.Editor
Using Tx As Transaction =
Dim viewportTableRec As ViewportTableRecord =
ed.ActiveViewportId, OpenMode.ForWrite),
SetViewportToExtents(db, viewportTableRec)
End Using
End Sub
'Create a new MText entity to represent a cell at position
' (row, col), add it to the database and store its ObjectID and
' position in our list of MineElements
Private Sub CreateNewCell(ByVal cell As MineCell,
ByVal row As Integer,
ByVal col As Integer)
Dim db As Database =
Using tr As Transaction =
Dim tst As TextStyleTable =
tr.GetObject(db.TextStyleTableId, OpenMode.ForRead)
Dim textStyleId As ObjectId = tst.Item("MinesweeperStyle")
Dim btr As BlockTableRecord =
Using txt As MText = New MText
txt.TextStyleId = textStyleId
txt.Location = New Point3d(row, col, 0)
txt.Width = 1.0
txt.Height = 1.0
txt.TextHeight = 0.8
txt.Attachment = AttachmentPoint.MiddleCenter
Dim elem As New MineElement
elem.Row = row
elem.Col = col
elem.Id = btr.AppendEntity(txt)
tr.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(txt, True)
txt.Contents = "X"
End Using
End Using
End Sub
#Region "IMinesweeperInput methods"
Public Function GetAction() As MinesweeperAction _
Implements IMinesweeperInput.GetAction
'bMarking governs behavior depending on whether we're
'clearing mines or marking them
Static bMarking As Integer
Dim strMsg As String = ""
Dim strKeyword As String = ""
'Setup prompts and keywords according to bMarking
Select Case bMarking
Case False
strMsg = "Select a cell to uncover:"
strKeyword = "Mark"
Case True
strMsg = "Select a cell to mark/unmark:"
strKeyword = "Uncover"
End Select
'Prompt user to perform action
Dim ed As Editor =
Dim opts As New PromptEntityOptions(vbCrLf & strMsg)
opts.AppendKeywordsToMessage = True
opts.AllowNone = True
Dim res As PromptEntityResult = ed.GetEntity(opts)
'If user cancelled the command prompt then we end the game.
If res.Status = PromptStatus.Cancel Then
vbCrLf & "You cancelled the game. Byeee!" & vbCrLf)
Return New MinesweeperAction(GameAction.CancelGame, 0, 0)
End If
'If user entered keyword, then we're toggling between
' mine clearing and mine marking
If res.Status = PromptStatus.Keyword Then
Select Case res.StringResult
Case "Mark"
bMarking = True
Case Else
bMarking = False
End Select
'If user selected an entity (which must be MText
' because this is a new document, and that's all
' we added to it), then we use the ObjectId to
' retrieve its row and column in the grid.
ElseIf res.Status = PromptStatus.OK Then
Dim elem As MineElement = FindInMinefield(res.ObjectId)
'This next if statement should never be executed.
If elem.Id = ObjectId.Null Then
vbCrLf & "You didn't select a cell in the minefield." &
If bMarking Then 'If we're marking cells ...
Return New MinesweeperAction(GameAction.Mark,
elem.Row, elem.Col)
Else ' If we're uncovering cells
Return New MinesweeperAction(GameAction.Uncover,
elem.Row, elem.Col)
End If
End If
End If
Loop Until False
End Function
#End Region
#Region "IMinesweeperOutput methods"
'MinesweeperMgr tells us the game has started. Zoom minefield to
' fill screen and record start time.
Public Sub StartGame() Implements IMinesweeperOutput.StartGame
mStartTime = DateTime.Now
End Sub
'MinesweeperMgr tells us the game has ended (and if player won).
'Notify player accordingly.
Public Sub EndGame(ByVal won As Boolean) _
Implements IMinesweeperOutput.EndGame
Dim ed As Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput.Editor
ed = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor
Dim timeInterval As TimeSpan = DateTime.Now - mStartTime
If won Then
ed.WriteMessage(vbCrLf &
"Congratulations - you cleared all the mines")
ed.WriteMessage(vbCrLf & "Game over - You hit a mine!")
End If
vbCrLf & "Time taken = " & timeInterval.TotalSeconds &
" seconds" & vbCrLf)
End Sub
'MinesweeperMgr is telling us to update our grid UI
Public Function SetCell(ByVal cell As MineCell,
ByVal row As Integer,
ByVal col As Integer) As Boolean _
Implements IMinesweeperOutput.SetCell
' Find the Mtext corresponding to cell's location
Dim elem As MineElement = FindInMinefield(row, col)
'If Mtext not created yet, then we create it
If elem.Id = ObjectId.Null Then
CreateNewCell(cell, row, col)
Else 'We change its text to show the new status
Select Case cell.Status
Case CellStatus.Marked
SetText(elem.Id, "M")
Case CellStatus.Uncovered
If cell.isBomb Then
SetText(elem.Id, "*")
SetText(elem.Id, cell.Value.ToString)
End If
Case CellStatus.Covered
SetText(elem.Id, "X")
End Select
End If
Return True
Catch ex As Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime.Exception
Return False
End Try
End Function
'Called by MinesweeperMgr if there's an error it can't handle.
'Just tell the player there's a problem.
Public Sub FatalError() Implements IMinesweeperOutput.FatalError
Dim ed As Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput.Editor
ed = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor
ed.WriteMessage(vbCrLf & _
"Minesweeepr has encountered a problem and can't continue." _
& vbCrLf)
End Sub
#End Region
End Class
End Namespace
And here is the updated, application-independent manager class:
Namespace Minesweeper
'Interfaces that host app must implement to manage Minesweeper UI
#Region "Interface Definitions"
'Provide input required by MinesweeperMgr
Public Interface IMinesweeperInput
'Requests host to get next game action
' e.g. Mark/Unmark/Uncover cell
Function GetAction() As MinesweeperAction
End Interface
'Process output from MinesweeperMgr
Public Interface IMinesweeperOutput
'Tell host game is starting
Sub StartGame()
'Tell host when game is won or lost
Sub EndGame(ByVal won As Boolean)
'Tell host to update the value of a cell in the UI. Host returns
' false if it coouldn't update the cell.
Function SetCell(ByVal cell As MineCell, ByVal row As Integer,
ByVal col As Integer) As Boolean
'Tell host if there's an irrecoverable error
Sub FatalError()
End Interface
#End Region
'Used by MinesweeperMgr internal error handling
Public Class MinesweeperException
Inherits Exception
End Class
'Used by MinesweeperAction to pass action type
Public Enum GameAction
End Enum
'Used by host to provide input to MinesweeeprMgr -
' action type, and (row, col) of cell to act on.
Public Structure MinesweeperAction
Public Action As GameAction
Public Row As Integer
Public Col As Integer
Public Sub New(ByVal act As GameAction, ByVal r As Integer,
ByVal c As Integer)
Action = act
Row = r
Col = c
End Sub
End Structure
#Region "Enums and structures shared by MinesweeperMgr and host"
'Used in MineCell structure to represent status of cell
Public Enum CellStatus
End Enum
'Represents a cell in the minefield (grid)
Public Structure MineCell
Public Status As CellStatus 'Covered/Uncovered/Marked
Public Value As Integer 'No of neighboring cells containing bombs
Public isBomb As Boolean 'Is this cell a bomb?
Public Sub New(ByVal stat As CellStatus, ByVal val As Integer,
ByVal bomb As Boolean, ByVal marked As Boolean)
Status = stat
isBomb = bomb
Value = val
End Sub
End Structure
#End Region
#Region "MinesweeperMgr class"
Public Class MinesweeperMgr
Private mRows As Integer 'Rows in grid
Private mCols As Integer 'Columns in grid
Private mMineArray(,) As MineCell 'The grid
Private mNumMines As Integer 'Number of mines hidden in grid
Private mNumCellsUncovered 'Number of cells currently uncovered
Private mInputInterface As IMinesweeperInput
Private mOutputInterface As IMinesweeperOutput
'Instantiating MinesweeperMgr will initialize the game
' and set it running. The class is meant to be used once and then
' discarded. Instantiate a new class to start a new game.
'The host application must provide the input and output for this
' class by implementing the IMinesweeperInput
' and IMinesweeperOutput interfaces. Input and output have been
' kept separate so different classes can be used for each
' if required.
'MinesweeperMgr doen't know anything about how the host app
' handles its input/output requests.
Public Sub New(ByRef inputInterface As IMinesweeperInput,
ByRef outputInterface As IMinesweeperOutput,
ByVal rows As Integer, ByVal cols As Integer,
ByVal num As Integer)
mInputInterface = inputInterface
mOutputInterface = outputInterface
InitMinefield(rows, cols, num)
End Sub
Private ReadOnly Property NumCellsUncovered() As Integer
Return mNumCellsUncovered
End Get
End Property
Private Function IncrementNumCellsUncovered() As Integer
mNumCellsUncovered = mNumCellsUncovered + 1
Return mNumCellsUncovered
End Function
Private Property MinefieldRows() As Integer
Return mRows
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Integer)
If value > 0 Then
mRows = value
If NumMines > mRows * MinefieldColumns Then
NumMines = mRows * MinefieldColumns
End If
Throw New MinesweeperException
End If
End Set
End Property
Private Property MinefieldColumns() As Integer
Return mCols
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Integer)
If value > 0 Then
mCols = value
If NumMines > MinefieldRows * mCols Then
NumMines = MinefieldRows * mCols
End If
Throw New MinesweeperException
End If
End Set
End Property
Private Property NumMines() As Integer
Return mNumMines
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Integer)
If mNumMines <= (mCols * mRows) Then
mNumMines = value
mNumMines = mCols * mRows
End If
End Set
End Property
'Private ReadOnly Property MineArray() As MineCell(,)
' Get
' Return mMineArray
' End Get
'End Property
'Uncover cell at specified location.
'Returns true if uncovered cell is a mine.
Private Function UncoverCell(
ByVal row As Integer, ByVal col As Integer) As Boolean
'Only process covered cells- not marked ones
'(Player would be annoyed if they accidentally cleared a
' marked cell)
If mMineArray(row, col).Status = CellStatus.Covered Then
mMineArray(row, col).Status = CellStatus.Uncovered
If Not mOutputInterface.SetCell(mMineArray(row, col),
row, col) Then
Throw New MinesweeperException
End If
' If its a bomb, tell host the player lost
If mMineArray(row, col).isBomb Then
Return True
'If you cleared everything except the bombs,
' tell host the player won
ElseIf AllEmptyCellsUncovered() Then
Return True
End If
End If
Return False
End Function
'Toggle cell between Covered and Marked Status.
'Ignores Uncovered cells.
Private Sub MarkCell(
ByVal row As Integer, ByVal col As Integer)
If mMineArray(row, col).Status = CellStatus.Covered Then
mMineArray(row, col).Status = CellStatus.Marked
ElseIf mMineArray(row, col).Status = CellStatus.Marked Then
mMineArray(row, col).Status = CellStatus.Covered
End If
If Not mOutputInterface.SetCell(mMineArray(row, col),
row, col) Then
Throw New MinesweeperException
End If
End Sub
'Returns true if we've cleared all our non-mine cells
Private Function AllEmptyCellsUncovered() As Boolean
If NumCellsUncovered =
MinefieldColumns * MinefieldRows - NumMines Then
Return True
Return False
End If
End Function
Private Sub ResetNumCellsUncovered()
mNumCellsUncovered = 0
End Sub
'Initialize grid, and put the mines in random locations
Private Sub InitMinefield(
ByVal rows As Integer, ByVal cols As Integer,
ByVal num As Integer)
If rows < 1 Or cols < 1 Or num < 1 Then
Throw New MinesweeperException
End If
MinefieldRows = rows
MinefieldColumns = cols
If num > rows * cols Then
NumMines = rows * cols
NumMines = num
End If
'Initialize grid (array) to represent minefield
ReDim mMineArray(rows - 1, cols - 1)
' Add mines to grid (value of -1 means a mine is at
' that location)
Dim i As Integer = 0
Dim rndRow As Integer = Rnd() * (MinefieldRows - 1)
Dim rndCol As Integer = Rnd() * (MinefieldColumns - 1)
If mMineArray(rndRow, rndCol).isBomb = False Then
mMineArray(rndRow, rndCol).Value = -1
mMineArray(rndRow, rndCol).isBomb = True
mMineArray(rndRow, rndCol).Status = CellStatus.Covered
i = i + 1
End If
Loop While i < num
' Now mines are added, we populate the rest of the grid
' with the numbers to indicate how many mines are in
' neighbouring(cells)
For i = 0 To MinefieldRows - 1
For j As Integer = 0 To MinefieldColumns - 1
' If this cell contains a mine then don't process it
If Not mMineArray(i, j).isBomb = True Then
Dim mineCounter As Integer = 0
'Check grid cells around this one looking for mines ...
' i-1,j-1 | i,j-1 | i+1,j-1
' i-1,j | i,j | i+1,j
' i-1,j+1 | i,j+1 | i+1,j+1
For k As Integer = -1 To 1
For l As Integer = -1 To 1
' Skip over cells outside bounds of minefield
If (i + k < 0) Or (i + k > MinefieldRows - 1) Or
(j + l < 0) Or (j + l > MinefieldColumns - 1) Then
Continue For
End If
'Don't include cell (i,j)
If k = 0 And l = 0 Then
Continue For
End If
If mMineArray(i + k, j + l).isBomb = True Then
mineCounter = mineCounter + 1
End If
mMineArray(i, j).Value = mineCounter
mMineArray(i, j).Status = CellStatus.Covered
End If
If Not mOutputInterface.SetCell(mMineArray(i, j),
i, j) Then
Throw New MinesweeperException
End If
Catch ex As MinesweeperException
End Try
End Sub
'This is the main game loop. It requests input from the host,
' acts on the input, updates its own data, and tells host to
' update its UI to reflect the change.
Private Sub GameLoop()
Dim bGameOver As Boolean
'Tell host game is starting
'Loop until game ends or is cancelled. Possible input is
' Uncover a cell, toggles Mark on a cell, Cancel the game.
Dim act As MinesweeperAction = mInputInterface.GetAction
Select Case act.Action
Case GameAction.Uncover
bGameOver = UncoverCell(act.Row, act.Col)
Case GameAction.Mark
MarkCell(act.Row, act.Col)
Case GameAction.CancelGame
bGameOver = True
End Select
Loop Until bGameOver
Catch ex As MinesweeperException
End Try
End Sub
'Throws an exception if (act.Row, act.Col) is outside grid
Private Sub ValidateAction(ByVal act As MinesweeperAction)
If act.Row < 0 Or act.Row >= MinefieldRows Then
Throw New MinesweeperException
End If
If act.Col < 0 Or act.Col >= MinefieldColumns Then
Throw New MinesweeperException
End If
End Sub
End Class
#End Region
End Namespace
I won’t go ahead and show the code running here – please see the previous post to get a feel for how it works.