It was a productive 10-day trip to the US: 7 performance reviews (6 delivered, 1 received), many presentations (3 delivered by me, one of which was Pecha Kucha-style) and probably a dozen or so 1-on-1 meetings with team members, as well as going through the Birkman Method with my direct team and peers. Altogether a great week, just a little grueling.
The schools are out, this week – as the canton of Neuchâtel celebrates its founding on March 1st, every year – so I’m going to spend the next day or so mostly offline with my family, and will probably not be working on anything blog-related.
I will just point out our latest Plugin of the Month, as announced by Scott on his blog. This month’s plugin is a Room Renumbering app for Revit (so not really very relevant for this blog’s readership, but anyway).
One last final note… on the train back from Geneva I had a slightly surreal experience. The person who’d been sitting opposite me asked – in French, as we approached Neuchâtel station – “are you Kean Walmsley?”. I quickly got paranoid, as he’d been looking at his iPhone and I thought he might be an identity thief picking up info from an RFID in my credit cards (or something sinister like that). It turns out he’d recognised my face because he follows me on Twitter. This sort of thing often happens at AU – understandably enough – but it’s never happened to me elsewhere (in the “real world” :-) before.