The first 5 people to email me with the topic of the virtual session I’m presenting at this year’s AUv event will receive a free Premier Pass for AU Virtual 2010 worth $139. To even the playing field somewhat and to emphasize the global nature of the AUv event, each winner will have to come from a different country. Please make sure it’s obvious which country you’re from when you email me.
I’ll update this post as the passes get allocated (indicating which countries the winners were from). I expect them to go quickly, so apologies in advance to all those who did not happen to see this post before it was all over.
If you did miss out, it’s worth noting that anyone can register for AUv and get free access to a limited subset of the overall content.
And the winners are (from)…
[This competition is now closed – the prizes were all claimed in a little over an hour. If I can get hold of some more passes I’ll see about running another before the conference starts. :-)]