Sorry for this somewhat lame post: today has not been the smoothest day, unfortunately. Firstly there was a minor systems glitch that meant my "Expert of the Week" session expired prematurely. This has now thankfully been resolved, so please go across to the AutoCAD Exchange and ask me some more questions - there are now only a few hours left before the weekend! :-)
Even more frustratingly, I foolishly clicked on the "a new version of Live Messenger is available, would you like to upgrade?" piece of toast that popped up when I logged in, this morning. The installer process went ahead and upgraded Live Messenger (fine) but in the process chose to automatically upgrade my Live Writer, which I depend on for blogging (it's really a very cool tool). Unfortunately this upgrade process failed: it successfully uninstalled Live Writer but - try as I might - I have since found it absolutely impossible to install the new version or re-install the old one. Argh.
Which means I've resorted to posting directly in the TypePad editor (which I haven't done for ages, although I do use it to tweak the odd post after authoring it). Hence the lame post.
Anyway, please do keep those questions coming - I'd love to get past the 60 mark before the week is out!