AU Unplugged is the unconference component of Autodesk University. The sessions have been submitted and the voting is now on: based on external feedback the event organizers will schedule the most interesting classes at this year's event.
Last year I held a poorly publicized (and therefore poorly attended :-) session on comparative AutoCAD development tools/technologies, but I've decided not to repeat that this year, and hang on the coat-tails of one of my team...
Stephen Preston, the manager of DevTech Americas and our worldwide platform products technical lead, is planning the following session:
AutoCAD .NET: Help Us to Help You – Stephen Preston, DevTech Americas Manager
Come and talk about the resources available to help you work with the AutoCAD .NET API. What works for you? What is missing? What more do you need to make your AutoCAD .NET programming successful? Suitable for programmers of all skill levels.
If you think this session is interesting (and I know it will be) please vote for it via this survey (scroll right down to the bottom of the page to find it - it's the second from last session listed).
I expect a number of interested parties to attend this session (assuming it fits into people's schedules), including people responsible for writing API reference/developer guide material, API development, tool development (what do you need from an AutoCAD .NET Wizard? That's likely to be one of the topics covered...), and API blogging (yes, I plan on being there).
If the session gets approved I'll follow up with a post nearer the time to let people know when and where it's being be held.