In the last post we saw some code to perform simple sequential numbering of blocks (reflected in a particular attribute contained in each block). In this next installment we'll extend the code by introducing a NumberedObjectManager class, which will manage the activities related to maintaining the sequence of numbers used by the various blocks. The main code will create an object of this class which will be used extensively in this and the next post by a number of new commands.
Here's the updated C# code, with changed & new lines marked with a red line-number. For your convenience here is the source file, to save you having to strip off the line numbers.
1 using Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices;
2 using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime;
3 using Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices;
4 using Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput;
5 using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry;
6 using System.Collections.Generic;
8 namespace AutoNumberedBubbles
9 {
10 public class Commands : IExtensionApplication
11 {
12 // Strings identifying the block
13 // and the attribute name to use
15 const string blockName = "BUBBLE";
16 const string attbName = "NUMBER";
18 // We will use a separate object to
19 // manage our numbering, and maintain a
20 // "base" index (the start of the list)
22 private NumberedObjectManager m_nom;
23 private int m_baseNumber = 0;
25 // Constructor
27 public Commands()
28 {
29 m_nom = new NumberedObjectManager();
30 }
32 // Functions called on initialization & termination
34 public void Initialize()
35 {
36 try
37 {
38 Document doc =
39 Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
40 Editor ed = doc.Editor;
42 ed.WriteMessage(
43 "\nLNS Load numbering settings by analyzing the current drawing" +
44 "\nDMP Print internal numbering information" +
45 "\nBAP Create bubbles at points" +
46 "\nBIC Create bubbles at the center of circles"
47 );
48 }
49 catch
50 { }
51 }
53 public void Terminate()
54 {
55 }
57 // Command to extract and display information
58 // about the internal numbering
60 [CommandMethod("DMP")]
61 public void DumpNumberingInformation()
62 {
63 Document doc =
64 Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
65 Editor ed = doc.Editor;
66 m_nom.DumpInfo(ed);
67 }
69 // Command to analyze the current document and
70 // understand which indeces have been used and
71 // which are currently free
73 [CommandMethod("LNS")]
74 public void LoadNumberingSettings()
75 {
76 Document doc =
77 Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
78 Database db = doc.Database;
79 Editor ed = doc.Editor;
81 // We need to clear any internal state
82 // already collected
84 m_nom.Clear();
85 m_baseNumber = 0;
87 // Select all the blocks in the current drawing
89 TypedValue[] tvs =
90 new TypedValue[1] {
91 new TypedValue(
92 (int)DxfCode.Start,
94 )
95 };
96 SelectionFilter sf =
97 new SelectionFilter(tvs);
99 PromptSelectionResult psr =
100 ed.SelectAll(sf);
102 // If it succeeded and we have some blocks...
104 if (psr.Status == PromptStatus.OK &&
105 psr.Value.Count > 0)
106 {
107 Transaction tr =
108 db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction();
109 using (tr)
110 {
111 // First get the modelspace and the ID
112 // of the block for which we're searching
114 BlockTableRecord ms;
115 ObjectId blockId;
117 if (GetBlock(
118 db, tr, out ms, out blockId
119 ))
120 {
121 // For each block reference in the drawing...
123 foreach (SelectedObject o in psr.Value)
124 {
125 DBObject obj =
126 tr.GetObject(o.ObjectId, OpenMode.ForRead);
127 BlockReference br = obj as BlockReference;
128 if (br != null)
129 {
130 // If it's the one we care about...
132 if (br.BlockTableRecord == blockId)
133 {
134 // Check its attribute references...
136 int pos = -1;
137 AttributeCollection ac =
138 br.AttributeCollection;
140 foreach (ObjectId id in ac)
141 {
142 DBObject obj2 =
143 tr.GetObject(id, OpenMode.ForRead);
144 AttributeReference ar =
145 obj2 as AttributeReference;
147 // When we find the attribute
148 // we care about...
150 if (ar.Tag == attbName)
151 {
152 try
153 {
154 // Attempt to extract the number from
155 // the text string property... use a
156 // try-catch block just in case it is
157 // non-numeric
159 pos =
160 int.Parse(ar.TextString);
162 // Add the object at the appropriate
163 // index
165 m_nom.NumberObject(
166 o.ObjectId, pos, false
167 );
168 }
169 catch { }
170 }
171 }
172 }
173 }
174 }
175 }
176 tr.Commit();
177 }
179 // Once we have analyzed all the block references...
181 int start = m_nom.GetLowerBound(true);
183 // If the first index is non-zero, ask the user if
184 // they want to rebase the list to begin at the
185 // current start position
187 if (start > 0)
188 {
189 ed.WriteMessage(
190 "\nLowest index is {0}. ",
191 start
192 );
193 PromptKeywordOptions pko =
194 new PromptKeywordOptions(
195 "Make this the start of the list?"
196 );
197 pko.AllowNone = true;
198 pko.Keywords.Add("Yes");
199 pko.Keywords.Add("No");
200 pko.Keywords.Default = "Yes";
202 PromptResult pkr =
203 ed.GetKeywords(pko);
205 if (pkr.Status == PromptStatus.OK)
206 {
207 if (pkr.StringResult == "Yes")
208 {
209 // We store our own base number
210 // (the object used to manage objects
211 // always uses zero-based indeces)
213 m_baseNumber = start;
214 m_nom.RebaseList(m_baseNumber);
215 }
216 }
217 }
218 }
219 }
221 // Command to create bubbles at points selected
222 // by the user - loops until cancelled
224 [CommandMethod("BAP")]
225 public void BubblesAtPoints()
226 {
227 Document doc =
228 Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
229 Database db = doc.Database;
230 Editor ed = doc.Editor;
231 Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.
232 TransactionManager tm =
233 doc.TransactionManager;
235 Transaction tr =
236 tm.StartTransaction();
237 using (tr)
238 {
239 // Get the information about the block
240 // and attribute definitions we care about
242 BlockTableRecord ms;
243 ObjectId blockId;
244 AttributeDefinition ad;
245 List<AttributeDefinition> other;
247 if (GetBlock(
248 db, tr, out ms, out blockId
249 ))
250 {
251 GetBlockAttributes(
252 tr, blockId, out ad, out other
253 );
255 // By default the modelspace is returned to
256 // us in read-only state
258 ms.UpgradeOpen();
260 // Loop until cancelled
262 bool finished = false;
263 while (!finished)
264 {
265 PromptPointOptions ppo =
266 new PromptPointOptions("\nSelect point: ");
267 ppo.AllowNone = true;
269 PromptPointResult ppr =
270 ed.GetPoint(ppo);
271 if (ppr.Status != PromptStatus.OK)
272 finished = true;
273 else
274 // Call a function to create our bubble
275 CreateNumberedBubbleAtPoint(
276 db, ms, tr, ppr.Value,
277 blockId, ad, other
278 );
279 tm.QueueForGraphicsFlush();
280 tm.FlushGraphics();
281 }
282 }
283 tr.Commit();
284 }
285 }
287 // Command to create a bubble at the center of
288 // each of the selected circles
290 [CommandMethod("BIC")]
291 public void BubblesInCircles()
292 {
293 Document doc =
294 Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
295 Database db = doc.Database;
296 Editor ed = doc.Editor;
298 // Allow the user to select circles
300 TypedValue[] tvs =
301 new TypedValue[1] {
302 new TypedValue(
303 (int)DxfCode.Start,
304 "CIRCLE"
305 )
306 };
307 SelectionFilter sf =
308 new SelectionFilter(tvs);
310 PromptSelectionResult psr =
311 ed.GetSelection(sf);
313 if (psr.Status == PromptStatus.OK &&
314 psr.Value.Count > 0)
315 {
316 Transaction tr =
317 db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction();
318 using (tr)
319 {
320 // Get the information about the block
321 // and attribute definitions we care about
323 BlockTableRecord ms;
324 ObjectId blockId;
325 AttributeDefinition ad;
326 List<AttributeDefinition> other;
328 if (GetBlock(
329 db, tr, out ms, out blockId
330 ))
331 {
332 GetBlockAttributes(
333 tr, blockId, out ad, out other
334 );
336 // By default the modelspace is returned to
337 // us in read-only state
339 ms.UpgradeOpen();
341 foreach (SelectedObject o in psr.Value)
342 {
343 // For each circle in the selected list...
345 DBObject obj =
346 tr.GetObject(o.ObjectId, OpenMode.ForRead);
347 Circle c = obj as Circle;
348 if (c == null)
349 ed.WriteMessage(
350 "\nObject selected is not a circle."
351 );
352 else
353 // Call our numbering function, passing the
354 // center of the circle
355 CreateNumberedBubbleAtPoint(
356 db, ms, tr, c.Center,
357 blockId, ad, other
358 );
359 }
360 }
361 tr.Commit();
362 }
363 }
364 }
366 // Internal helper function to open and retrieve
367 // the model-space and the block def we care about
369 private bool
370 GetBlock(
371 Database db,
372 Transaction tr,
373 out BlockTableRecord ms,
374 out ObjectId blockId
375 )
376 {
377 BlockTable bt =
378 (BlockTable)tr.GetObject(
379 db.BlockTableId,
380 OpenMode.ForRead
381 );
383 if (!bt.Has(blockName))
384 {
385 Document doc =
386 Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
387 Editor ed = doc.Editor;
388 ed.WriteMessage(
389 "\nCannot find block definition \"" +
390 blockName +
391 "\" in the current drawing."
392 );
394 blockId = ObjectId.Null;
395 ms = null;
396 return false;
397 }
399 ms =
400 (BlockTableRecord)tr.GetObject(
401 bt[BlockTableRecord.ModelSpace],
402 OpenMode.ForRead
403 );
405 blockId = bt[blockName];
407 return true;
408 }
410 // Internal helper function to retrieve
411 // attribute info from our block
412 // (we return the main attribute def
413 // and then all the "others")
415 private void
416 GetBlockAttributes(
417 Transaction tr,
418 ObjectId blockId,
419 out AttributeDefinition ad,
420 out List<AttributeDefinition> other
421 )
422 {
423 BlockTableRecord blk =
424 (BlockTableRecord)tr.GetObject(
425 blockId,
426 OpenMode.ForRead
427 );
429 ad = null;
430 other =
431 new List<AttributeDefinition>();
433 foreach (ObjectId attId in blk)
434 {
435 DBObject obj =
436 (DBObject)tr.GetObject(
437 attId,
438 OpenMode.ForRead
439 );
440 AttributeDefinition ad2 =
441 obj as AttributeDefinition;
443 if (ad2 != null)
444 {
445 if (ad2.Tag == attbName)
446 {
447 if (ad2.Constant)
448 {
449 Document doc =
450 Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
451 Editor ed = doc.Editor;
453 ed.WriteMessage(
454 "\nAttribute to change is constant!"
455 );
456 }
457 else
458 ad = ad2;
459 }
460 else
461 if (!ad2.Constant)
462 other.Add(ad2);
463 }
464 }
465 }
467 // Internal helper function to create a bubble
468 // at a particular point
470 private Entity
471 CreateNumberedBubbleAtPoint(
472 Database db,
473 BlockTableRecord btr,
474 Transaction tr,
475 Point3d pt,
476 ObjectId blockId,
477 AttributeDefinition ad,
478 List<AttributeDefinition> other
479 )
480 {
481 // Create a new block reference
483 BlockReference br =
484 new BlockReference(pt, blockId);
486 // Add it to the database
488 br.SetDatabaseDefaults();
489 ObjectId blockRefId = btr.AppendEntity(br);
490 tr.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(br, true);
492 // Create an attribute reference for our main
493 // attribute definition (where we'll put the
494 // bubble's number)
496 AttributeReference ar =
497 new AttributeReference();
499 // Add it to the database, and set its position, etc.
501 ar.SetDatabaseDefaults();
502 ar.SetAttributeFromBlock(ad, br.BlockTransform);
503 ar.Position =
504 ad.Position.TransformBy(br.BlockTransform);
505 ar.Tag = ad.Tag;
507 // Set the bubble's number
509 int bubbleNumber =
510 m_baseNumber +
511 m_nom.NextObjectNumber(blockRefId);
513 ar.TextString = bubbleNumber.ToString();
514 ar.AdjustAlignment(db);
516 // Add the attribute to the block reference
518 br.AttributeCollection.AppendAttribute(ar);
519 tr.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(ar, true);
521 // Now we add attribute references for the
522 // other attribute definitions
524 foreach (AttributeDefinition ad2 in other)
525 {
526 AttributeReference ar2 =
527 new AttributeReference();
529 ar2.SetAttributeFromBlock(ad2, br.BlockTransform);
530 ar2.Position =
531 ad2.Position.TransformBy(br.BlockTransform);
532 ar2.Tag = ad2.Tag;
533 ar2.TextString = ad2.TextString;
534 ar2.AdjustAlignment(db);
536 br.AttributeCollection.AppendAttribute(ar2);
537 tr.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(ar2, true);
538 }
539 return br;
540 }
541 }
543 // A generic class for managing groups of
544 // numbered (and ordered) objects
546 public class NumberedObjectManager
547 {
548 // We need to store a list of object IDs, but
549 // also a list of free positions in the list
550 // (this allows numbering gaps)
552 private List<ObjectId> m_ids;
553 private List<int> m_free;
555 // Constructor
557 public NumberedObjectManager()
558 {
559 m_ids =
560 new List<ObjectId>();
562 m_free =
563 new List<int>();
564 }
566 // Clear the internal lists
568 public void Clear()
569 {
570 m_ids.Clear();
571 m_free.Clear();
572 }
574 // Return the first entry in the ObjectId list
575 // (specify "true" if you want to skip
576 // any null object IDs)
578 public int GetLowerBound(bool ignoreNull)
579 {
580 if (ignoreNull)
581 // Define an in-line predicate to check
582 // whether an ObjectId is null
583 return
584 m_ids.FindIndex(
585 delegate(ObjectId id)
586 {
587 return id != ObjectId.Null;
588 }
589 );
590 else
591 return 0;
592 }
594 // Return the last entry in the ObjectId list
596 public int GetUpperBound()
597 {
598 return m_ids.Count - 1;
599 }
601 // Store the specified ObjectId in the next
602 // available location in the list, and return
603 // what that is
605 public int NextObjectNumber(ObjectId id)
606 {
607 int pos;
608 if (m_free.Count > 0)
609 {
610 // Get the first free position, then remove
611 // it from the "free" list
613 pos = m_free[0];
614 m_free.RemoveAt(0);
615 m_ids[pos] = id;
616 }
617 else
618 {
619 // There are no free slots (gaps in the numbering)
620 // so we append it to the list
622 pos = m_ids.Count;
623 m_ids.Add(id);
624 }
625 return pos;
626 }
628 // Store an ObjectId in a particular position
629 // (shuffle == true will "insert" it, shuffling
630 // the remaining objects down,
631 // shuffle == false will replace the item in
632 // that slot)
634 public void NumberObject(
635 ObjectId id, int index, bool shuffle)
636 {
637 // If we're inserting into the list
639 if (index < m_ids.Count)
640 {
641 if (shuffle)
642 // Insert takes care of the shuffling
643 m_ids.Insert(index, id);
644 else
645 {
646 // If we're replacing the existing item, do
647 // so and then make sure the slot is removed
648 // from the "free" list, if applicable
650 m_ids[index] = id;
651 if (m_free.Contains(index))
652 m_free.Remove(index);
653 }
654 }
655 else
656 {
657 // If we're appending, shuffling is irrelevant,
658 // but we may need to add additional "free" slots
659 // if the position comes after the end
661 while (m_ids.Count < index)
662 {
663 m_ids.Add(ObjectId.Null);
664 m_free.Add(m_ids.LastIndexOf(ObjectId.Null));
665 m_free.Sort();
666 }
667 m_ids.Add(id);
668 }
669 }
671 // Dump out the object list information
672 // as well as the "free" slots
674 public void DumpInfo(Editor ed)
675 {
676 if (m_ids.Count > 0)
677 {
678 ed.WriteMessage("\nIdx ObjectId");
680 int index = 0;
681 foreach (ObjectId id in m_ids)
682 ed.WriteMessage("\n{0} {1}", index++, id);
683 }
685 if (m_free.Count > 0)
686 {
687 ed.WriteMessage("\n\nFree list: ");
689 foreach (int pos in m_free)
690 ed.WriteMessage("{0} ", pos);
691 }
692 }
694 // Remove the initial n items from the list
696 public void RebaseList(int start)
697 {
698 // First we remove the ObjectIds
700 for (int i=0; i < start; i++)
701 m_ids.RemoveAt(0);
703 // Then we go through the "free" list...
705 int idx = 0;
706 while (idx < m_free.Count)
707 {
708 if (m_free[idx] < start)
709 // Remove any that refer to the slots
710 // we've removed
711 m_free.RemoveAt(idx);
712 else
713 {
714 // Subtracting the number of slots
715 // we've removed from the other items
716 m_free[idx] -= start;
717 idx++;
718 }
719 }
720 }
721 }
722 }
Some information on the changes...
Rather than maintaining an integer for our "current number", we now have an instance of the NumberedObjectManager class, as well as a "base number" should we choose to start the numbering at something other than 0 (see lines 18-23 & 29). We use these variables when numbering the objects at lines 510-511.
We've added a couple of additional commands, LNS (Load Numbering System) and DMP (DuMP numbering system). These commands are announced to the user on load (lines 43-44) and implemented from lines 57-219. The DMP command is really an internal command to show the contents of the number list, while the LNS command analyses the current drawing and determines how the blocks inserted into it have been numbered. Should the numbering start at a higher number than 0, it asks the user whether to re-base the list, which essentially removes the initial entries (from 0 to the new start) and sets the "base number" variable. The function behind the LNS command could have been called automatically on drawing load, but I've chosen to keep it as a command, to allow more control (and to allow the user to re-analyze the drawing, should the numbering for some reason get out of sync).
So why did I choose to implement an analysis command, rather than storing the numbering information in the drawing? Mainly because the quantity of numbered blocks in any real-world (even highly complex) drawing is unlikely to be unmanageable (and therefore slow to analyze), so going to the effort of storing the list in XRecords in the DWG seems like overkill. We would - in any case - want to have something like the LNS command to allow existing drawings to be managed by this system. Seralizing to the drawing is always an option, of course, should your users provide feedback that this approach is innefficient.
The remainder of the changes are for the numbering system itself, the NumberedObjectManager (lines 543-721). As mentioned in the last post, this class has been kept as generic as possible, so it can be used for objects other than blocks, for instance. At the core of the class are two lists:
- m_ids - a list of ObjectIds, which is the list of numbered objects
- m_free - a list of free positions (integers) in the object list, which is useful for us to know the gaps in the list created by object deletion, etc.
An alternative implementation would have been to maintain a "map" between list positions and objects, but using two simple lists makes life easier in certain ways: if we want to delete a number we can simply set its value to ObjectId.Null and add its position to the "free" list, and if we want to move an item in the list we can remove it and insert it elsewhere - the other objects simply shift automatically (although they will need to be updated to reflect their new number, of course - more on this in the next post).
The current implementation fills gaps in the list when we number a new object, but we could very easily adjust the code to ignore those gaps and add numbers at the end.
So let's see what happens when we run the LNS command on the drawing we created in the last post. LNS does nothing very visible - although as we previously started the numbering at 1, it does ask us whether we want to rebase the list. To understand how the numbering system works, let's call LNS and DMP twice, and choosing a different re-basing option each time:
Command: LNS
Lowest index is 1. Make this the start of the list? [Yes/No] <Yes>: No
Command: DMP
Idx ObjectId
0 (0)
1 (2129683752)
2 (2129683776)
3 (2129683800)
4 (2129683824)
5 (2129683848)
6 (2129683872)
7 (2129683896)
8 (2129683920)
9 (2129683944)
10 (2129683968)
11 (2129683992)
12 (2129684016)
13 (2129684040)
14 (2129684064)
15 (2129684088)
16 (2129684112)
17 (2129684136)
18 (2129684160)
19 (2129684184)
20 (2129684208)
Free list: 0
Command: LNS
Lowest index is 1. Make this the start of the list? [Yes/No] <Yes>: Yes
Command: DMP
Idx ObjectId
0 (2129683752)
1 (2129683776)
2 (2129683800)
3 (2129683824)
4 (2129683848)
5 (2129683872)
6 (2129683896)
7 (2129683920)
8 (2129683944)
9 (2129683968)
10 (2129683992)
11 (2129684016)
12 (2129684040)
13 (2129684064)
14 (2129684088)
15 (2129684112)
16 (2129684136)
17 (2129684160)
18 (2129684184)
19 (2129684208)
We can see that the first time we run the LNS command, choosing not to re-base the list, we start the list at 0 and have a free slot at that position. If we start adding more numbered blocks, using the BIC or BAP commands, the system will start by numbering an item with 0 before carrying on at 21, 22, etc.
The second time we run the command, we do re-base the list, which means that our m_baseNumber variable will be set to 1 and will be added each time we map the internal list to what is numbered in the drawing.
That's it for today - in the next post we'll look at some more interesting usage of the numbering system, where we highlight, delete and move items in the list, as well as showing how to fill any gaps automatically.